Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Anonymous" launches all out attack against Scientology... Started 6:00 PM EST Tonight.

From Digg:

"This evening, Splongcat of project chanology revealed IP adresses, which were hacked through prolexic Anti-DDoS services. Appareantly PROLEXIC security is no match for Anonymous hackers, who claim that the company is "amateuristic and unable of basic networking at best." Splongcat comments: We did it for lulz"

Some background on the whole affair here.

UPDATE: Looks like an NBC affiliate has picked up on the story here.

"I guess I should have seen that one coming....."

Wow, this has to be the funniest thing I have seen in a while, poor guy...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Killing smart quote wierdness in PHP

Function to kill some weirdness caused by copying text from Microsoft Word to a textarea using raw UTF8 char codes.

The original function was posted here.

function convert_raw_utf8_smart_quotes($string)
$search = array(chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x98),
chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x99),
chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x9c),
chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x9d),
chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x93),
chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0x94),
chr(0xe2) . chr(0x80) . chr(0xa6),
chr(0xe2) . chr(0x84) . chr(0xa2),
chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa9),
chr(0xc2) . chr(0xae),
chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa7));

$replace = array('‘',

return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);

Sunday, January 20, 2008

First Post

Ok, so I am way overdue on setting this up, so here it is in all its un-glory.